IDS presentation


A sandwich course from M1 to M2

You will find the alternation calendars for :

  1. M1,
  2. M2.

Presentation and objectives

The "Health Device Engineering" (abbreviated to IDS) specialization trains students in the theoretical and practical mastery of technological concepts and devices applied to the biomedical field. Co-labeled by the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science of the University of Montpellier, the program is supervised by a team of teacher-researchers from both institutions. The specialization's pedagogical and professional objectives are to provide students with a high-level scientific education, giving them the skills they need to design and build systems in the field of electronics applied to medicine. In particular, the program aims to :

  • Provide students with a high-level scientific education
  • Provide theoretical skills to help conceptualize systems in the EEA/medical field
  • Train students to manage scientific/medical and industrial/medical projects
  • Introducing students to research careers

To achieve this objective, students are provided with a basic knowledge base through courses in analog and digital electronics and signal processing (analog, digital, image). The concepts covered are then developed in more specialized teaching units (UEs), drawing on the expertise of several Montpellier research laboratories heavily involved in the course [4-6]. These modules cover topics such as sensors and biomedical instrumentation, medical robotics, neuro-prosthetics and the modeling and regulation of human movement.

In addition, professionalization modules enable students to acquire skills in scientific/medical and industrial project management, or to learn about research careers in the healthcare field.


The IDS specialization is designed to meet the growing demand from professionals in the medical field for managers able to work at the interface between the fields of Medicine and Engineering in the broadest sense. Given the intrinsically multi-disciplinary nature of these fields, students are recruited from three main areas of expertise: Biology, Electronics and Health. Consequently,anyone with an L3 level or equivalent in Biology, EEA, Health or STAPS is eligible for admission to the first year of the Master's program. Similarly, admission to the second year is by application, and there is also the possibility of Validation des Acquis et de l'Expérience (VAE) for continuing education students.

In a nutshell:

  • M1: L3 or equivalent in biology, health, STAPS, EEA.
  • In M2: M1 validated in the field, by portfolio.
  • The cycle is open to continuing education students, with the possibility of Validation des Acquis et de l'Expérience (VAE).

Further studies

Possibility of pursuing doctoral studies. The Montpellier laboratories involved in the program include:

  • Institut d'Électronique du Sud (IES),
  • Charles Coulomb Laboratory (L2C),
  • Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM).
  • Movement to Health Laboratory (M2H).

Job opportunities

The "Health Device Engineering" Specialization trains executives to work in research and development, production or maintenance departments of companies or institutions in the health sector. At the interface between "Information and Communication Sciences and Techniques" and "Health", graduates will be given assignments requiring good scientific, technical and interpersonal skills, combined with a good knowledge of living systems. They will be involved in providing technical advice to teams designing and marketing biomedical equipment, as well as training users (doctors, medical staff) during device commissioning. Employers are generally companies with an international market, who have invested heavily in the research and development of these devices, and who must comply with the very strict quality and reliability standards imposed on medical devices. Target occupations include Technical Advisor, Application Engineer and Sales Technician. In addition, the Master's program has both a "Professional" and a "Research" label, which means that it is likely to lead to a career in research.

In terms of professions: R&D engineer, researcher, biomedical engineer, application engineer, technical advisor, technical sales representative, etc.