
Csilla Gergely
Professor - University of Montpellier
Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C) UMR 5221
EquipeBiophotonique(responsable de)
Office: 29.0, Etg: 2, Bât: 21 - Site : Campus Triolet
Tel : 04 67 14 32 48

Thierry Cloitre
Maître de Conférences - Université de Montpellier
Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C) UMR 5221
Bureau: 08.0, Etg: 1, Bât: 20 - Site : Campus Triolet
Tel : 04 67 14 46 02

Biomedical Physics ProgramME (PHYMED)

LMD5 2021-2025

Organization of M1 Biomedical Physics courses - HAM1TC

  • Biomedical Physics Semester 1 - HAM1TCS1 - 30 ECTS

3 UEs at 1.0 ECTS - refresher courses for the first 2-3 weeks in late August/early September

HAH701E Mathematical Prolegomena (1 ECTS) 

Manager: Emmanuel LE CLEZIO

Hours: 10.5 h CM, 10.5h TD

HAH703P Physics introduction (1 ECTS) 

Manager: Thierry CLOITRE

Hours: 10.5 h CM, 10.5h TD

HAH702V Prolegomena: Basic concepts of health (1 ECTS)

Manager: Guillaume CAPTIER

Hours: 10.5 h CM, 10.5h TD

 8 TU's mandatory for all PhyMed students

HAP712P Experimental Physics (4 ECTS) 

Managers: Thierry Bretagnon & Didier Laux

Hours: 42 h PT; MCC: Continuous PT control 100%.

HAC716C Basics of radioactivity (2 ECTS) 

Manager: Nicolas DACHEUX 

Hours: 12 h CM + 8h TD ; MCC: 100% written final test

HAH716E Health structures and issues (4 ECTS) 

Manager: Guillaume CAPTIER

Hours: 40.5h CM; MCC: 100% continuous assessment

HAH706H PhyMed project (5 ECTS) 

Manager: Thierry CLOITRE and Csilla GERGELY

Hours: 100h project; MCC: 100% continuous assessment

HAH713V Structural biochemistry (2 ECTS) 

Manager: Rachel CERDAN 

Hours: 10.5h CM, 10.5h TD; MCC: CC 20% + Written exam 80%.

HAH704P Physics of biological systems (2 ECTS) 

Manager: Steeve CRONENBERGER & Csilla GERGELY

Hours: 21h CM; MCC: 100% final examination

HAH705P Physics of ionizing radiation and basics of radiation protection (3 ECTS) 

Manager: Jean-Pierre POUGET & Csilla GERGELY

Hours: 21h CM; MCC: 100% final examination

HAH712E9 Lectures on Medicine and ICT (2 ECTS) 

Manager: Gerard DRAY

Hours: 21h CM; MCC: 100% continuous assessment

1 TU of 3.0 ECTS 'to choose' from

According to student profile

HAV305V Biochemistry 3 (3 ECTS) - phys. etude.            

Manager: Laila GANNOUN 

Hours: 14h CM, 14hTD, 8h TP ; 

MCC: written final test 60% + continuous test 20% + practical test 20%.

HAP512P Experimental physics S5 (3 ECTS) - bio study             

Managers: Thierry CLOITRE, Laetitia DOYENETTE, 

Hours: 27h PT; MCC: continuous assessment 50%+ PT assessment 50%.  

  • Biomedical Physics Semester 2 - HAM1TCS2 - 30 ECTS

6 TU's mandatory for all PhyMed students

HAH801L English (4 ECTS) 

Manager: Pauline McNisH 

Hours: 40.5 h TD; MCC: 50% written final exam + 50% oral exam 

HAC831C9 Radiation protection/Radiation-matter interactions. (2 ECTS)

Manager: Jerome MAYNADIE 

Hours: 12h CM , 8h TD ; MCC: 60% for CC and 40% for CT

HAH802E1M Sensors and image processing (4ECTS) 

Manager: Olivier STRAUSS 

Hours: 16.5h CM, 12h TD, 12h TP ; MCC : final test 60% + TP test 40%.

HAH803P Wave physics and propagation (4 ECTS) 

Managers: Thierry CLOITRE & Didier LAUX 

Hours: 20h CM, 16h TD; MCC: 100% terminal control

HAH804P Biological effects of ionizing radiation and diagnostic and therapeutic uses (2 ECTS) 

Managers: Jean-Pierre POUGET & Csilla GERGELY 

Hours: 21h CM, MCC: 100% terminal control

HAH809H M1 SNS PhyMed internship (10 ECTS) 

Managers: Csilla GERGELY & Thierry CLOITRE

Hours: 300h internship; MCC written report 50%, oral defense 50%.

1 TU at 4.0 ECTS to choose from

HAH805E Medical Robotics 1 (4 ECTS)


Hours: 16.5h CM, 24 hTP; MCC written 70% control TP 30%.

HAH806E Neuroprosthesis 1 (4 ECTS)

Resp. Jean-Charles CECCATO

Hours: 16.5h CM, 24 hTP; MCC: written DS 50%, written DM 20%, written report 20%.

HAH811E9 Data analysis (4 ECTS)

Gérard Dray

Hours: 20h CM, 30 hTD; MCC: written report 50%, tutored project 2×25%.

Organization of M2 Biomedical Physics courses - HAM2TC

  • Biomedical physics semester 3 - HAM2TCS3 - 30 ECTS
HAP906P Image processing in physics (4 ECTS) 

Manager: Francois MOLINO

Hours : 21h TP ; MCC : 100% terminal control 

HAH905P Physics of Medical Imaging (5 ECTS) 

Manager: Michel ZANCA & Csilla GERGELY 

Hours: 40.5h CM; MCC: 100% written final test

HAH904P Biophotonics and mass spectrometry (5 ECTS) 

Manager: Thierry GUILLET and Csilla GERGELY

Hours: 40.5 CM, MCC: 100% continuous assessment 

HAH903P Nano-probe, near-field and evanescent wave microscopies (3 ECTS) 

Manager: Csilla GERGELY and Frédéric CUISINIER

Hours: 21h CM; MCC: 80% written final test and 20% practical test

HAH911H M2 SNS PhyMed project (5 ECTS) 

Manager: Thierry CLOITRE and Csilla GERGELY

MCC: continuous control

HAH902E Introduction to business/research (2 ECTS) 

Manager: Emmanuel Le CLEZIO

Hours: 21h CM: MCC: 100% continuous assessment

HAH901P Bibliographic analysis / Scientific watch (2 ECTS) 

Manager: Csilla GERGELY & Thierry CLOITRE

Hours: 6 h CM and 15h TD; MCC: CC +TP: written dissertation 50%, in-house dev 30%, dev surv 20%. 

1 TU at 4.0 ECTS to choose from

HAH909E Medical Robotics 2 (4 ECTS)


Hours: 16.5h CM, 24 hTP; MCC oral test: 100%.

HAH910E9 Neuroprosthesis 2 (4 ECTS)

Resp. Jerome BOURIEN, Emmanuel LE CLEZIO

Hours: 16.5h CM, 24 hTP; MCC DS written 50%, written report 2x 25%.

HAH812E9 Intro Artificial Intelligence (4 ECTS)

Gérard Dray

Hours: 20h CM, 30 hTD; MCC: written report 50%, tutored project 2×25%.

  • Biomedical Physics Semester 4 - HAM2TCS4 - 30 ECTS
HAH001H M2 SNS PhyMed internship (30 ECTS) 

Manager: Thierry CLOITRE and Csilla GERGELY

MCC: written report 50%, oral presentation 50%.