A 'Game Changer' for Patients With Irregular Heart Rhythm
Here you will find an article on cardiac arrhythmia. See article.
Baby Born With Heart Outside Her Body Is Saved by U.K. Surgeons
Here you will find an article on cardiac arrhythmia. See article.
Cardiac arrhythmia for piano composition
Here you will find an article on cardiac arrhythmia. See article.
Alzheimer's disease: ultrasound helps the brain
Here's an article about one of Montpellier's research laboratories: IES. See article.
An innovation to make knee prostheses intelligent
Here's an article about one of Montpellier's research laboratories: IES. See article.
Handi-Move ceiling-mounted motor and handrail - child
Here's a video about a mobility device for people with reduced mobility. See article.
In vivo quantitative imaging of tumor pH by nanosonophore assisted multispectral photoacoustic imaging
Here is an article from Nature Communications. See article.
Bio-degradable highly fluorescent conjugated polymer nanoparticles for bio-medical imaging applications
Here is an article from Nature Communications. See article.
a functional artificial neuron
Here you'll find an article presenting the implementation of a functional artificial neuron. See article.
The acoustic tractor beam exists!
Here you'll find an article presenting the possibility of manipulating objects using sound. See article.
Sound waves used to activate brain cells in a worm
Here you'll find an article presenting one of the latest advances in neural stimulation. See article.
Newly Developed Artificial Limb Lets Amputees Feel
Here's an article on one of the latest applications of prostheses and neuroprostheses. See article.
How a neuroprosthesis can become more intuitive
Here's an article on one of the latest applications of prostheses and neuroprostheses. See article.
You will find here two articles presenting the health check-ups of the second patient to have benefited from the implantation of an artificial heart. See article1and article2.
Biomedical innovations
Here's a link to one of the innovations related to the specialty: See the link.
Signature of an agreement for a double degree combining health and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Université Montpellier 2, Université Montpellier 1, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) and École des Mines d'Alès have signed an agreement for a double degree combining health and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). See article.
Brain: a first successful telepathy experiment
Here you'll find an article presenting one of the latest advances in brain/machine interfacing. See article.
3D printing saves him from epilepsy
Here's an article on one of the latest applications of 3D printing. See article.
At the heart of the heart muscle
Here's an article on how the heart muscle works. See article.
Alzheimer's: earlier, more reliable diagnosis
Here's an article on one of the latest advances in Alzheimer's disease diagnosis. See article.
An anti-shaking spoon for Parkinson's patients
Here you'll find an article referring to an anti-shaking spoon for Parkinson's patients. See article.
A connected cane for the visually impaired
Here you'll find an article presenting a technology adapted to help the visually impaired. See article.
An artificial heart implanted in a second patient?
Here is an article about a second artificial heart implantation. See article.
Autism: discovery of a major genetic mutation
Here's an article on one of the latest advances in autism research. See article.
Robots for the disabled, now!
Here you'll find an article presenting one of the applications of robotics to help people with disabilities and autism. See article.
Iphone 6: Health in focus
Here you'll find an article presenting one of the latest innovations in Health applications embedded in our cell phones. See article.
Phlebitis: definition, symptoms and treatment
Here you'll find an article on a very common pathology: phlebitis. See article.
CEN Robotics
Here you'll find a website presenting the activities of the Centre d'Expertise National en Robotique. See site.
Breast cancer: 3D mammography proves its effectiveness
Here you'll find an article presenting one of the latest advances in 3D imaging. See article.
Paralyzed, he moves his arm by force of mind
Here you'll find an article presenting one of the latest advances in neuroprosthesis and hanidcap assistance. See article.
Euthanasia: nine out of ten French people are in favour, are you?
Ask yourself ethical questions? Essential! See article.
AMD: definition, symptoms, treatment
Here's an article on one of the latest advances in AMD screening. See article.
100 cloned calves are born each year on this laboratory farm
Here's an article on one of the latest advances in cloning. See article.
AIDS: an anti-HIV protein discovered in coral
Here you'll find a website presenting one of the latest discoveries in HIV virus research. See site.
3D printing: a plaster cast equipped with an ultrasound device
Here you will find a website presenting one of the latest advances in bone reconstruction. See site.
Spine: minimal incision, maximum efficiency
Here you'll find a website presenting one of the latest advances in surgery. See article.
Nanopores underlie our ability to tune in to a single voice
Here you'll find an article on the effect of the microstructure of the tectorial membrane (inner ear) on our ability to separate different sounds. See article.
Biobidouilleurs", medical geniuses in their garage
Here you'll find a video dated February 27, 2014, about an assistive living device for cystic fibrosis patients. Seevideo.
First patient with autonomous artificial heart dies
Here you will find an article from Sciences et Avenir dated March 03, 2014 on the death of the first patient implanted with the Carmat bioprosthetic artificial heart. See article.
Robotics and Innovative Technologies for Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine" showroom.
MPR's national congress at the Corum, March 5-7, 2014. Its website is
It's a national event attracting some 1,000 participants from all over France.
On the occasion of this congress, a "Showroom" is organized on Friday March 7 from 11:00 to 15:00. The theme of this Showroom is "Robotics and innovative technologies applied to Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine".
A large number of robotic devices (assistance robots, rehabilitation robots) and innovative rehabilitation technologies will be on display at the Corum.
Carmat artificial heart: patient's condition judged "satisfactory
Here you will find an article from Sciences et Avenir of February 19, 2014 on the follow-up of the first patient implanted with the Carmat bioprosthetic artificial heart. See article.
Medicines: sudden deaths attributed to Motilium
Here you will find an article from Le Monde-Santé of February 19, 2014 on sudden deaths blamed on Motilium. Seearticle.
Health: could a lack of vitamin C promote strokes?
Find here a BFMTV article from February 19, 2014 on the stroke consequences of vitamin C deficiency. See article.