PhyMed presentation


Presentation and objectives

PhyMed responds to the scientific need to provide, in a single curriculum, advanced training in applied physics and basic training in biology and health, in order to bridge the gap between physicists on the one hand and scientists working in the life sciences on the other. The aim is to train Biophysicists capable of tackling medical problems by proposing solutions based on the design and application of new techniques
derived from modern physics:

  • To support the application of physics in the medical field through a multidisciplinary training program focused on acquiring a good level of knowledge of the physical foundations of medical imaging, radiophysics and physics applied to the healthcare sector,
  • This will give doctors and students in the healthcare sector access to courses in physics applied to biomedical applications,
  • Offer career opportunities in multidisciplinary teaching and public or industrial research in medical imaging,
  • Offer the possibility of a career in hospitals, the private biotech sector, biomedical instrumentation or the pharmaceutical industry.


  • M1: L3 or equivalent in physics, biology, health or other related scientific fields,
  • In M2: M1 validated in the field, by portfolio,
  • The cycle is open to the general public, with the possibility of Validation of Acquired Skills and Experience (VAE),
  • The course is open to interns and doctors in medicine, pharmacy or dentistry.

Further studies

Possibility of pursuing doctoral studies. The Montpellier laboratories involved in the program include:

  • Institut d'Électronique du Sud (IES),
  • Charles Coulomb Laboratory (L2C),
  • Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM).
  • Movement to Health Laboratory (M2H).

Job opportunities

  • Biophysicist in the industrial, hospital and university sectors,
  • Medical imaging professions, Medical imaging department health executive 
  • Biomedical engineer; development, use and maintenance of physical instruments in the medical and hospital sector,
  • R&D engineering in industrial fields related to physics and health, instrumentation, medical devices
  • Design engineer (imaging platforms, laboratories) 
  • Application engineer (technical support)
  • Computer engineer
  • Clinical Research Associate 
  • Radiation protection and medical physics account manager
  • Continuing with a university thesis to gain access to jobs in higher education and public research,
  • Helping medical careers move towards Biophysics and Imaging in Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and other hospital departments.

PhyMed's expertise 

  • Fundamentals of imaging and medical physics
  • Knowledge of radiophysics and radiotherapy
  • Knowledge and development of medical imaging techniques
  • Knowledge of modern physics for the design and application of new biomedical technologies
  • Acquire the multidisciplinary vision of a biophysicist
  • Acquire sufficient know-how in image processing and interpretation
  • Developing and using physical instruments in the medical sector