Engineering of Health Devices - IDS

Presentation and objectives

The specialty " Engineering Devices for Health " (abbreviated: IDS) aims to train students in the theoretical and practical mastery of concepts and technological devices applied to biomedical. Co-accredited by the universities Montpellier Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Sciences, the training is supervised by a team of teachers-researchers from both institutions. The pedagogical and professional objectives of the specialty are to give students a high-level scientific training by providing them with skills to conceptualize and implement systems in the field of Applied Electronics in Medical. In particular, the training aims to:

  • Give the student a high level of scientific training,
  • Provide theoretical skills to enable the conceptualization of Electronics / medical systems,
  • Train the student in the management of scientific / medical and industrial / medical projects,
  • Introduce the student to the research professions.

In order to achieve these objectives, a basic knowledge base is provided to students through teaching of analog electronics, digital or signal processing (analog, digital, image). The studied concepts are then developed in the framework of more specialized teaching units (TU) and include the skills of several Montpellier research laboratories strongly involved in training [4-6]. These modules deal with, among others, sensors and biomedical instrumentation, medical robotics, neuroprostheses or the modeling and regulation of human movement.

Professionalization modules also allow students to acquire project management skills of a scientific / medical and industrial nature or to become acquainted with research professions in the fields of health.

Terms of access

The IDS specialty aims to meet a growing demand from professionals in the medical field of executives likely to be part of the interface between the fields of Medicine and Engineering in the broad sense. Due to the inherently multi-disciplinary nature of these fields, student recruitment takes place in three basins corresponding to the main skills of the training: Biology, Electronics and Health. Therefore, can apply for admission to the first year of Master anyone with a level L3 or equivalent in Biology, Electronics, Health or STAPS. Similarly, the second year is accessible on file. Validation of Acquired and Experience (VAE) are possible for audiences in continuing education.

In summary:

  • In M1: L3 or equivalent biology, health, STAPS, Electronics.
  • In M2: M1 validated in the field, on file.
  • The cycle is accessible for public continuing education with opportunities for Validation of Acquired and Experience (VAE).

Continuing studies

Possibilities of pursuing studies in doctoral thesis. The Montpellier laboratories associated with the training are, among others:

  • Institute of Electronics and Systems (IES),
  • Charles Coulomb Laboratory (L2C),
  • Laboratory of Computer Science, Robotics and Microelectronics of Montpellier (LIRMM).
  • Movement to Health Laboratory (M2H).


The " Health Devices Engineering " specialty trains executives who will integrate research and development, production or maintenance services into companies or institutions in the field of Health. At the interface between the " Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication " and " Health ", graduates will have missions requiring good scientific, technical and relational skills associated with a good knowledge of living systems. They will thus participate in the technical advice of biomedical equipment design and marketing teams as well as the training of users (medical staff) during the commissioning of the devices. Employers are generally companies with an international market, who have invested heavily in research and development and who must comply with the very stringent quality and reliability standards imposed on medical devices. The trades are, among others, Technical Advisor, Application Engineer or Technico-Commercial. Opportunities for research are also being considered since the Master is both labeled " Professional " and " Research ".

In terms of professions: R&D Engineer, Researcher, Biomedical Engineer, Application Engineer, Technical Advisor, Technico-Commercial ...