Engineering : Computer Science (4 ECTS)


TU "Engineering: Computer Science" aims to provide students with theoretical and practical notions of algorithmics and programming.

Know how to pose a problem, break it down into sub-tasks, set up a sequential diagram, implement and check your program and the results it delivers.

Hourly volumes :

CM: 19.5 h
TD: 0 h
TP: 21 h
Field: 0 h

Prerequisites :

L3 in science or health.

Recommended prerequisites :


More information

Assessment of knowledge :

Continuous Integral Control (CCI)

Syllabus :

Algorithm basics:
1. Types (integers, decimal numbers, Booleans, strings),
2. Variables, constants,
3. Arrays, matrices,
4. Loops,
5. Conditions,
6. Graphs.
Practical implementation: Python
1. Case studies:
a. Parity of a number,
b. Generating random numbers,
c. Basic scientific functions (sine, cosine, exponential, Gaussian),
d. Managing a hospital ward,
e. ...


Manager: Emmanuel Le Clézio
Administrative contact(s): Claudie Fabry